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Instant payment or Hire-Purchase?

You are wondering which purchase option for a DramaQueen PLUS or PRO license you should go with: Hire or instant-purchase? Answer yourself the following questions and learn which option is the better one for you.

You always want to work with the most current DramaQueen version? – Actually, hire and instant-purchase are not different regarding the upgrade and update possibilities. Either way all coming updates and feature upgrades of the current update cycle are included at no additional cost – at this time up to and including version 3.9.

You want to wait and see how DramaQueen is evolving? – With the hire-purchase you stay the most flexible. You pay the monthly rates only for as long as you want and don’t need to bind yourself. You can cancel your rates at any time, without notice period, and thereby terminate your contract. Or you decide to pay until the last monthly rate and your license automatically converts to never expire. The automatic payment stops all by itself, you do not need to cancel manually.

You need DramaQueen PRO or PLUS only for a short-term project? – In this situation the hire-purchase may be the better solution. Simply regard your monthly payments as a rent that you can cancel after your project is completed.

You are certain that DramaQueen PRO or PLUS is the right tool for you and you want the most cost effective option? – The hire-purchase is associated with higher costs for us, which reflect in a somewhat higher total cost. The one-time instant-purchase is about 8% cheaper than the hire-purchase. With your firm decision for DramaQueen you save $25.20 for PRO or $8.10 for PLUS.

It is our desire to meet a broad spectrum of needs with the two alternative purchase options and to offer you a good deal. No matter your decision, we will be glad about every new hire or instant-purchase, but also about every new user of DramaQueen FREE.

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