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DramaQueen 3.2: Smart PDF export

DramaQueen 3.2 comes up with small but very smart new options around PDF export and new fields in the Character and Locations panels.

Smart PDF-Export

The new dialog appears after selecting the text level and PDF file name:

With the ‘Page selection’ option you can enter the desired pages – separated by commas, spaces or hyphen. It is also possible to combine the specification of individual pages and a specific page range (e.g. “2, 4, 6-9”).

With the option ‘Pages with changes’, exactly those pages are selected which are showing recorded text changes (via the option ‘Track text changes’):

This for example allows exporting only the revised pages as a PDF and print them out. In a screenplay these are the the blue, yellow etc. exchange pages.

With the option ‘Specific elements’ you can select individual steps, scenes, episodes, ideas, character or location descriptions (multiple selection possible). This is possible because in DramaQueen the whole text is divided into individual text modules, e.g. scenes, characters… and is structured hierarchically. The page numbers of the selected elements are then automatically displayed:

It is also possible to select the desired page(s) directly by clicking the corresponding page in the new preview.

Very handy is also that you can combine all options. How?
For example, you first select the ‘Pages with changes’ option and if you then change the drop-down to ‘Page selection’, the changed pages will still be displayed, so that you can add certain other pages.

New fields in the Characters and Locations panels

It is important to us not to overload DramaQueen and therefore we take care not to offer unnecessarily small or duplicating options in the character and location panel.

Now, however, we have added four meaningful categories to the two panels: For locations there are the new fields ‘Feel’ and ‘Position and for the characters ‘Secret’ and ‘Temperament’.

If you like to learn why, for example, a secret can be a great dramatic tool in your character development just have a look at our DramaWiki.

All improvements can be found as always in our update report.

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