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New: DramaQueen now for Linux, too!

In the past months we received frequent requests for a Linux version. Until now, we had to regretfully put people off until “later” – even though DramaQueen is actually mainly developed on Linux! But with the new release of version 1.2.1, DramaQueen for Linux is now ready for download! Finally DramaQueen is available on all major platforms.

At the moment, the Linux version of DramaQueen is not yet perfect: Most importantly the packet should be distributed via PPA (Personal Package Archive), so that it integrates with the update mechanism of at least Ubuntu and compatible distributions. Automatic updates therefore do not yet work under Linux – not even via our own mechanism that we use for the Windows and Mac OS version. Unfortunately, it’s still necessary to download the Linux-version from our website every time you want to receive version-updates.
Also it wasn’t easy to obtain working information about creating Debian packages. It is mainly focused on Open Source software or doesn’t cover all situations. Especially tricky was the declaration of the DramaQueen document file type. The files do open in DramaQueen when double-clicked, but they don’t have the intended icon. There is documentation in the form of freedesktop.org standards, but where the error is, despite following these, remains a mystery.

In any case we are happy to finally offer DramaQueen for Linux equally alongside the other versions. We wish all Linux users much fun while working with DramaQueen on the platform of their choice!


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