
Topmenü - Englisch


BETA 8 now offers for the first time:
– a tidy surface
– an automatic update feature
– a strongly improved performance
– the one-month beta-phase extension

Tidy surface: With flexibly hidden and displayed buttons the interface now offers a clear and focused simplicity; features are dynamically displayed on demand. Furthermore, the MacOS version contains a modern unified toolbar.


Automatic updates: as from BETA8 DramaQueen automatically checks for updates and will download them should you give your permission. This means that BETA 8 is the last update you have to manually download and install. This way we’re able to deliver all improvements to you in a faster and easier way.

Strongly improved performance: We’ve advanced the text-panel’s graphics output by a factor of 10! This means that the annoying long typing reaction times (when using the maximised panel) are therewith a problem of the past.

Extended run-time: The beta-phase has been extended. Now you have 45 days to explore DramaQueen BETA with all its features free of charge.

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