
Topmenü - Englisch


The first analysis of our questionnaires reveals a relatively clear picture regarding which features are most on demand. With BETA 14 we’ve tried to meet some of those wishes already.

These are the new features of DramaQueen BETA 14:

The possibility to start writing and working from scratch on a ‘blank canvas’:
To do this we’ve expanded and transformed the former notes-panel into an ideas-panel with additional features. Your previous notes are now called ideas! It is now possible to start with an idea when opening a new document.


Overall the ideas-panel now offers versatile applications:
• as collection of ideas at the beginning of story development
• as ‘blank paper’ to sketch out first story ideas
• as collection of notes and comments for a certain story

The idea-panel as well as the panels ‘Outline’, Plotlines’, ‘Characters’ and ‘Settings’ now offer a full-screen display. To use it you click the middle icon at the right-hand upper corner of each panel. Using the side-by-side display you can flexibly move the title column.

– Export and print of outlines as well as character-, setting-, plotline- and idea-texts:
The step- and scene outlines as well as the texts of ideas, plotlines, characters and settings are now also exportable and printable. In this context we’ve added ‘Export text’ and ‘Print text’ options in the main menu ‘File’.

– The beta-version has been extended until mid-April.

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