
Topmenü - Englisch

2.0.0 BETA 4

In the last three weeks we have put on the last polish for DramaQueen 2.0 and improved on many details. An often wished for feature has made the cut as well: It is now possible to configure a few automatic corrections (replacements while typing) as well as the symbols used for quotation marks. This is especially important for novel authors. The global program settings which affect all documents have received a new page. Individual replacements can be deactivated there. For each document separately, it is possible to configure the symbols for the quotation marks (“…”, «…» etc.). DramaQueen recognizes and replaces double and single quotes and also distinguishes using an apostrophe.

To be absolutely sure, we want to test the changes one last time in the form of BETA 4. It should be possible to release the final version of 2.0.0 in one week. As always we are looking forward to your feedback!

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