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2.0.0 BETA 3

Since we published the BETA version of DramaQueen 2.0, we have received a lot of exciting feedback on the NOVEL extension. A frequently important subject was the hierarchical structure of novel documents. We have used the time to incorporate the feedback: Names have shuffled around a bit for novel documents. The synopsis text-level now consists of “parts”. The treatment and novel are structured into “chapters”, no longer “bits”. On the novel text-level, chapters may have additional subchapters. In the Outline panel, there will be an additional hierarchy level for subchapterts, meaning chapters can be expanded to reveal the contained subchapters. For script documents the changes are accordingly. Split scenes no longer appear on the same level as regular scenes, but they are structured below scenes. This improves the clarity in the Outline. With the changes also comes a refinement of the drag’n’drop behavior, especially in relation to subchapters and split scenes respectively. The new behavior is more intuitive in many situations.

A second important change is that the text display can be limited to the active part or chapter. This option is situated in the gear-menu of the Texts panel. It doesn’t only help to focus on a certain area of the text, but exporting and printing the document take this setting into consideration, too. It was an often requested feature to export only a certain scene or chapter.

We have not forgotten script writers. The new BETA 3 features the “Shot” text element. It can be used for secondary headings and improves the reading flow. The attention can be quickly drawn to a certain perspective. With the change also comes better compatibility with other script writing software. The keyboard shortcuts for quickly switching the active text element have also been adjusted to the established standard.

Some will be happy to hear that the script text elements are again available as icons in the tool bar. We had unified the access to paragraph styles via a drop-down widget due to the NOVEL extension, but in some situations, the individual icons are easier to access. This option is also located in the gear-menu of the Texts panel.

Naturally BETA 3 also fixes reported bugs. That said, some of the new features are quite fundamental, so they should be put to test within an extended BETA phase. We will use the comming two to three weeks for polishing and will then most likely release the final version of DramaQueen 2.0. Until then, we wish you a lot of fun with BETA 3 and as always we are looking forward to your feedback!

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