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DramaQueen FREE

DramaQueen FREE

Free of charge version, usable for an unlimited time, for writing, formatting, and outlining, i.e. with smart import, open export and linked text notes.

To DramaQueen FREE

DramaQueen PLUS

DramaQueen PLUS

Unlimited version with an unbeatable price-performance ratio and optional AI integration. Offers all the features you need to develop and write stories. Test for 30 days free of charge and without any commitments.

To DramaQueen PLUS

DramaQueen PRO

DramaQueen PRO

Unlimited full version including the outstanding unique selling points of DramaQueen such as text levels, storyline mode, story arcs or board. Test for 30 days free of charge and without any commitments.

To DramaQueen PRO

Order DramaQueen PLUS or PRO now including all feature upgrades including all versions of the 3.x and the 4.x series!*



Test for 30 days and switch between versions

Which DramaQueen version is right for you? The TEST version lets you switch freely between the three versions PRO, PLUS, and FREE. This allows to directly compare the features of each version before any purchase decision. After the test period expires, the software automatically transforms into DramaQueen FREE which is usable for an unlimited time. This version can be unlocked to the PLUS or PRO version at any time by entering an unlock code. Your individual unlock code is sent to you via email after completing a license purchase.

Test all versions for 30 days, free of charge and without any commitments:

To DramaQueen Download


AI integration (optional) Xseparate billing of AI performance based on consumption Xseparate billing of AI performance based on consumption
Text levels plot, concept/treatment or script,
decision for one text level
plot, concept/treatment or script,
decision for one text level
X plot, concept/treatment and script, parallel working in different text levels
Outlining Outlining on one level Outlining on one level with structure elements and turning points Outlining on two levels with structure elements and turning points
Overview panel X with drag&drop feature X with drag&drop feature and the options storyline-assignment, setting, characters, tags X with drag&drop feature and the options storyline-assignment, setting, characters, tags
Board panel X
Storytelling panel X for the main storyline (short version) X für the main storyline (long version) and secondary storylines (short version)
Storyline mode for separate development and display of individual storylines X
Story Arcs panel with visualization of the storylines X
Storylines panel X without defining the dramatic arc X with defining the dramatic arc
Ideas panel X X X
Annotations panel X X
Characters panel X X
Locations panel X X
World panel X X
Inserting images X X X
References X X
Automatic character detection & global character name replacement X X
Automatic storyline detection X X
Structure models X acts, sequences, template ’12 stages hero’s journey’ X acts, sequences, template ’12 stages hero’s journey’, custom models
Setting turning points X for the main storyline X for all storylines
Smart-Import from PDF, Word, Final Draft, TXT, RTF X X X
Open export of all texts to Word, EPUB, Final Draft, PDF, and RTF X X X
Unrestricted printing of all texts X X X
Page preview of the texts (WYSIWYG) X X X
Full screen mode X for all panels X for all panels X for all panels
Change tracking & revision mode X X
Linked text notes X X X
Footnotes X X X
Wide-ranging layout settings X X X
4 different options for script formatting (incl. Auto-Formatting) X X X
SmartType-Feature (autocompleting of characters and locations during typing) X X X
Lock numbering &
other numbering options
Dialog numbering X X
Start each scene on a new page X X X
Spelling and style checking X X X
Reports (incl. Dialogue book) X X
Progress tracker, Statistics X X
Archive X
100% cross platform for Win and macOS X X X
Activations unlimited for 2 PCs or Macs for 3 PCs or Macs
Personal support via email X X
free of charge release-upgrade-package for all versions of the 3.x AND 4.x series* X X X



To DramaQueen FREE

Free of charge, without restrictions on number or length of projects, usable for an unlimited time

Automatically activates after the 30-day trial period

With frequent, free of charge feature upgrades!

$99.00** Instant purchase
$11.90 x 9** Hire purchaseIncludes all feature upgrades including all versions of the 3.x AND 4.x series!*Upgrade option to PRO


from version PLUS 1 to PLUS 3

$48,00** Purchase

$297.00** Instant purchase
$17.90 x 18** Hire purchaseIncludes all feature upgrades including all versions of the 3.x AND 4.x series!*

DramaQueen_2X_Upgradefrom version PRO 1 to PRO 3

$88,00** Purchase


$49.00** Purchase

18 months usage license including all feature upgrades!

Upgrade option to the unrestricted PRO license

DramaQueen PRO Upgrade

from PLUS or PRO STUDENT (previous unlock code is needed during ordering):

$198.00** Instant purchase
$17.90 x 12** Hire purchase

Instant or hire purchase means obtaining the current version and all feature upgrades for all versions of the 3.x and 4.x series!*

DramaQueen PLUS3 and PRO3 are licenses which do not expire, DramaQueen PRO STUDENT is restricted to a usage period of 18 months.
DramaQueen PRO (STUDENT) can be unlocked on three computers ath the same time, DramaQueen PLUS on two computers.

Instant payment or hire purchase?
- Here is a comparison between the two options.

* All feature upgrades for all versions of the 3.x and the 4.x series!

All versions of the 3.x and 4.x series following the current version - each with new features and improvements - are included in the price and will become available with free automatic upgrades!


** For the respective prices in other currencies please choose a product and go to our shop.


Test all versions for 30 days, free of charge and without any commitments:

To DramaQueen Download

If you want to purchase ten or more DramaQueen licenses, please contact us for an individual offer at

14 Responses to Products

  1. Petros Kalkovalis 30. August 2020 at 19:37 #

    I am interested to purchase Drama Queen Pro version and i would like to ask you if the software supports Greek language, including spell checking.
    Thank you in advance
    Petros Kalkovalis

    • DramaQueen 29. March 2021 at 12:45 #

      Thank you very much for your interest in DramaQueen! For the forseeable future, it is unlikely that we will offer DramaQueen with a fully translated Greek user interface. Sorry about that.

  2. A Dorin 12. October 2020 at 01:47 #


    I am new to writing in script formatting and your product is helping immensely. I just wanted to say Thank you for your quality product and the logic flow of the product. It really takes the stress out of formatting and has wonderful assists for especially those, like myself, who knows what they want to say but not positive on where to put it.

    THANK YOU very much!

    (recommending to associates)

    • DramaQueen 12. October 2020 at 08:18 #

      Thanks a lot for your kind words. We are glad that DramaQueen can support you in your writing. :) And thanks also for recommending!

  3. A screenwriter 11. November 2020 at 13:38 #


    I’m here to say that DramaQueen is a truly fantastic product! I would like to purchase it after the free trial period but I would like to know if the Italian language will be implemented in the software
    Thank you in advance!

    • stippi 15. November 2020 at 10:39 #

      Hi, thank you very much for your interest in DramaQueen! For the forseeable future, it is unlikely that we will offer DramaQueen with a fully translated Italian user interface. Sorry about that.

  4. Idania Machado 3. August 2021 at 18:27 #

    Hello, what excellent software! I want to know if the Plus and Pro versions are in Spanish. Thank you.

    • DramaQueen 4. August 2021 at 11:13 #

      Thanks a lot for your nice feedback :) Concerning your question: The program interface isn’t available in Spanish yet but you can change the language of texts to ‘Spanish’ in the Document settings. This setting applies to the spell checking, the scene heading options or the title page.

  5. Alga 4. December 2022 at 10:45 #

    Hello.. I am in state of awe seeing your product. WOW. Truly commendable. Fantastically covers the entire process.
    Though English is not my first language and Urdu is but I work in English Language only.
    I have started using Trial version and I hope it is available completely in English language.
    About the different versions which one do you recommend for an individual user?

    • DramaQueen 7. December 2022 at 17:27 #

      Dear Alga, first of all thanks a lot for your very kind appreciation which makes us happy. :)

      Yes, DramaQueen is available completely in English language. Since every writer has different requirements for the plotting and writing process we cannot give a general recommendation. But the trial version allows you to switch between the three DramaQueen versions PRO, PLUS, and FREE. This way you can directly compare the respective feature sets.

  6. Kamila 10. December 2023 at 16:30 #

    Hi, I’m currently using PRO trail. I know that I have 30 days of it which can be use within 3 months. But is there any way I could check how many days of the trial left right now? I hope it is.
    All the best,

    • DramaQueen 11. December 2023 at 09:09 #

      Dear Kamila, the test days still available are displayed on the DramaQueen start panel. :)


  1. Mejor software de escritura de guiones - TheBestXXSaler - 27. November 2023

    […] DramaQueen (Mac, Windows, Linux) ofrece un plan gratuito que incluye formato estándar, proyectos de longitud y número ilimitados, exportación a formatos de archivo populares, esquema y notas de texto vinculadas. Le faltan varios paneles incluidos en las versiones de pago, incluyendo animaciones de narración, personajes y ubicaciones. Compara las versiones aquí. […]

  2. Meilleur logiciel de scénarisation – TheBestXXSaler - 13. December 2023

    […] DramaQueen (Mac, Windows, Linux) offre un plan gratuit comprenant la mise en forme standard, des projets de longueur et de nombre illimités, l’exportation vers des formats de fichier populaires, la création d’un plan et des notes de texte liées. Il ne dispose pas de plusieurs panneaux inclus dans les versions payantes, y compris les animations de narration, les personnages et les lieux. Comparez les versions ici. […]

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