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Discover the Drama

What is DramaWiki?

DramaWiki combines all the tools scriptwriters and dramaturges need. Writers are able to retrieve everything they want to know about visual storytelling in a compact, informative and accessible way. Its focus is the practical use for the process of story and script development.

DramaWiki is a free work of reference based on storytelling knowledge for movies. But it equally applies to novels and theater plays. It is independent from individual storytelling schools and meets the highest standards of dramatic storytelling; it enables a self-taught approach to cinematic expertise and offers professional writers an easy overview of its tools.

Please, note that even though we have decided to employ an alternating and random use of gender pronouns, we always address both genders regardless of which pronoun we use for writers, heroes, antagonists, mentors… We encourage you to change the pronouns to fit your situation and needs, and to read the information in a gender-neutral way.

Copyright applies – any further use needs a prior consultation with DramaQueen.

3 Responses to

  1. Deborah Boller 11. October 2021 at 17:34 #

    Hello! I had DramaQueen on my recently-deceased Macbook Air. I dusted off my old Macbook Pro but I can’t remember the password for Installer or Admin. Can I download DQ to a chromebook or tablet (neither of which I’ve bought yet)? I love my DramaQueen!!!

    • DramaQueen 11. June 2022 at 09:02 #

      Thanks for appreciating DramaQueen. :) In order to download and install DramaQueen on your computer, you need the admin password for your computer. On the part of DramaQueen you don’t need a password or code for this. The tablet app will take some time, but we are currently working on integrating a collaborative web editor into DramaQueen.

  2. doramastoday 10. June 2022 at 22:06 #

    your website is unique and full of informatin.

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