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Upgrade to DramaQueen 4 (PLUS or PRO)

If you are happy with the previous feature set:
There is no obligation to upgrade, as older licenses are valid indefinitely

In case you like to go back to the old version, simply download the old installer. After you installed the old version, you can activate it using your license code.

If you want to upgrade DramaQueen 4:
Download the new installer from our download page and choose the right license upgrade:



The price for the license upgrade to DramaQueen 4.x is:

$48,00* for DramaQueen PLUS 4 Upgrade to PLUS 4 (requires older PLUS license)
$88,00* for DramaQueen PRO 4 Upgrade to PRO 4 (requires older PRO license)

A cross-upgrade directly from DramaQueen 1 or DramaQueen 2 to Version 4 is possible, too, for the regular upgrade price:

Version upgrade from DramaQueen PRO 3 to PRO 4: $88,00

Version upgrade from DramaQueen PLUS 3 to PLUS 4: $48,00


What’s included?

The license upgrade includes 9 releases which will be released in regular intervals — from version 4.0.0 up to and including 4.9.x.

Each release will offer a plethora of new features and improvements — just like how we did in the 1.0.0 to 3.9.0 releases. This will be those features that our users request the most. Subject to unpredictible developments we reserve the right to exchange single features.

* For the respective prices in other currencies please go to our shop by clicking the order button.

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